By Andrea Ocampo

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We’re all familiar with LinkedIn and know how potentially beneficial it is for our professional brand. But with all the social networks coming out with the latest and greatest add-ons, it seems like LinkedIn has finally caught wind of the importance of spicing things up. Being a social network for professionals doesn’t mean that they can’t have a bit of fun and that applies to you too.

Not long ago, LinkedIn introduced the option of adding a customizable background image, similar to Twitter and Facebook. The new feature had some in the professional community rolling their eyes. But one thing we can’t deny, is that we’re a visual society, so the more pictures and visual stimulants there are to attach to our story, the more engaging, and therefore, more of an opportunity to catch the lucky break. 

So how do you give your profile the makeover it needs? Here are 8 ways to becoming a LinkedIn Rock Star in not time.

Get professional pictures. You don’t have to get modeling photo shoot, but you’d be surprised how many pictures are unprofessional. Remember that there’s a distinction between the casual social networks and LinkedIn. Invest in a good headshot. 

Adding pictures is a must How to Rock LinkedIn Like a Rock Star By Andrea Ocampo

Make sure the pictures are in alignment with your personal brand. No pictures of your pets, family or pictures from 20 years ago. Use current pictures of your face. If you want to add personality, add pictures of you in action at your job. The more a picture can depict who you are, the better it will serve you in standing out. 

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Keep your status fresh. I know there’s Twitter and Facebook, but LinkedIn is the perfect place to put newsworthy updates about yourself. You never know who’s reading your updates. It can make an impression with someone looking for your talents. 

Rock Star Status How to Rock LinkedIn Like a Rock Star By Andrea Ocampo

Customize your connection request message. Take time to find out who you’re reaching out to. I personally appreciate it when someone takes the time to actually read my profile. You don’t know how many times I get questions that I clearly state the answer to in my profile.

LinkedIn is for everyone. I’ve met so many artists who don’t have a profile because they think it doesn’t have value for them. Whether you’re in television production, singer, model, TV host, sculptor or poet, creating a profile can be a valuable tool, regardless of the industry you’re in. 

Be active in LinkedIn Groups. This is a chance for you to mingle with people in your industry and make connections that can potentially hire you in the future. 

Join Groups How to Rock LinkedIn Like a Rock Star By Andrea Ocampo

Check your profile often. LinkedIn can be put on the backburner and before you know it your inbox is filled to the brim. You never know if there is a time sensitive opportunity in your inbox. 

Get endorsements and recommendations from your coworkers. It’s a great addition to your profile that adds credibility to what you do and professional value to your personal brand. 

Reciprocate and give recommendations. Although, your goal is to perfect your profile, there’s more of a chance someone will give you a recommendation if you do the same. 

Add Media & Links. There are sections where you can add images, links and video. This is your opportunity to share your best work with the world. Take your time to upload your best media content because it only takes a moment to make a lasting impression. 

There are many things that you can do to stand out from the sea of professionals on LinkedIn. Now it’s time to create an action plan for this week. If you haven’t already done so, set aside an hour to create a LinkedIn profile and fill it with value driven information about your work and your accomplishments. If you have a profile, comb through it and make changes as needed and, by all means, add media. It’s time to take your LinkedIn efforts to the next level. 

Rock on,

– Andrea

Powerful social media software for business


By |2014-12-10T13:05:37+00:00November 3rd, 2014|Career|